Securing Future Growth for Carey Contracting

Carey Contracting, a premier building contractor serving the Central Upper Peninsula, has built and remodeled top-quality homes and businesses across the region. On the cusp of a leadership transition, Carey Contracting approached us to secure growth and positioning strategies for the future. 

  • Website
  • sales materials
  • direct mail campaigns
  • digital ad campaigns

Generating Growth with Strategy

Carey Contracting has always been a well-respected, 3-generation family-owned business near the heart of Iron Mountain, Michigan. Upon purchasing the business from his father, Luke Carey sought support from the Marketing Department to position the company for continued success.

We began a thorough process of understanding the vision and values of Carey Contracting. We then developed a growth strategy and messaging platform that matched his goals and where Luke wanted to take his company.

Extending Carey Contracting's Market Position

To start, our team positioned and assembled an image campaign that introduced Luke as the new head of the company to the community. We then established Carey Contracting as the premier building contractor in the region to match their superb work and commitment to their clients.

Over the years, we have extended their market position across several touchpoints, including a new website, sales materials, direct mail campaigns, and digital ad campaigns.

For one of their digital ad campaigns, Carey Contracting was looking to capture the attention of people wanting to build new vacation homes in the Upper Peninsula but who reside outside of the area. The integrated digital campaign strategies connected Carey Contracting to those with renovation needs but who were unfamiliar with regional contractors. Ultimately, the campaign resulted in additional business and in Carey’s largest year to date.

The results

Carey Contracting has matured into the go-to place for top-quality construction through strategic messaging and forward-thinking marketing efforts. Each year Carey Contracting works with the Marketing Department to set growth goals and strategic plans on achieving them. And each year, we have surpassed our goals for growth. We continue to work together to push forward and set higher goals for Carey Contracting to help them secure future success.
+ 0 %

Sales growth over 4 years

+ 0 %

Daily website visitors

+ 1

Digital ad campaign clicks